The Cannabis Blog

best places to store weed

Best Places to Store Weed To Keep Stash Safe from Kids

The roles have reversed.  As a kid, you may have had the problem of hiding weed from your parents, but now as an adult, you’re trying to outsmart your adorable bundle of joy (or terror). Whether you’re afraid that your 3-year-old will mistake that marijuana infused brownie for, well, a brownie, or that your teenager […]
best books on cannabis

7 Enlightening Books On Cannabis You Need To Read

If the furious pace of cannabis legalization has your head spinning, you’re not alone: Decades-old habits, assumptions, and—most importantly—laws have undergone huge changes in the figurative blink of an eye. The most obvious change this has wrought is—needless to say—access to clean, well-tended and safe cannabis. But in the long run, it’s likely that a […]
teen marijuana use

CDC Study: National Teen Marijuana Use Has Dropped

When the debate over legalizing cannabis in Washington State was raging back in 2012, one of the opponents’ main concerns was that decriminalizing weed would lead to an increase in its use by teens. While cannabis policy is a fast-changing state of flux, early indications are that—not only here in Washington State but nationally—increased access […]
famous people who use marijuana

Famous People Who Use Marijuana or Have Used It In The Past

Like any other drug, marijuana has its proponents and its detractors, those who’ve experienced its life-changing benefits and those who just don’t see the point. It’s safe to say that its longevity in human history has everything to do with its genuine usefulness, but a long line of well-known advocates certainly hasn’t hurt! Though many […]
smoking vs vaping

What is the Difference Between Smoking vs Vaping Weed?

One of the most important distinctions for a new cannabis smoker to understand about modern marijuana use is knowing the difference of smoking vs vaping cannabis flower (vaping concentrates is a whole different topic). Here is a quick guide to help you sort out the differences and make an informed choice that is best for […]
recreational marijuana use

5 Ways To Achieve Responsible Recreational Marijuana Use

We’re living in such a fascinating time in cannabis history, and it’s incredibly exciting to be playing a role in its emergence from behind the clouds of prohibition and misunderstanding. This shift in perception—introducing many millions to the therapeutic and recreational potential of this fascinating plant—is a perfect time to pull over and ponder what […]
responsible cannabis use

3 Talking Points For Discussing Responsible Cannabis Use With Your Kids

If you’re one of the millions of Americans now enjoying safe and legal cannabis, we couldn’t be more excited for you. You’re in great company—an overwhelming majority of Americans support the decriminalization of cannabis—and we’re confident that cannabis stands to play a genuinely positive and valuable role in the lives of millions more to come. […]
cannabis health

How Does Cannabis Affect Our Health?

Is cannabis a dangerous controlled substance, an intoxicant fit only for limited adult use, or a powerful, even potentially vital medication nearly perfectly suited to human physiology? The answer may be all three, depending on your perspective. If you’re a wee bit confused, join the club! Nearly everyone now alive in this country grew up […]
Cannabis Extraction

The Science Behind Cannabis Extraction

The phrase “this is not your parents’ weed” may have passed its sell-by date, but like so many truisms, it finds new applications on a seemingly endless basis. Its original use was to warn imbibers that, when we speak of the concentration of THC—cannabis’ psychoactive compound—today’s cannabis is exponentially stronger than the products commonly found […]