How THC and CBD Interact with Our Bodies

You’re probably already familiar with THC and CBD. But do you know how these cannabinoids found in cannabis (a.k.a. phytocannabinoids) interact with our bodies? And did you know that our bodies produce compounds similar to these cannabinoids through what is known as the endogenous (i.e. originating from within our bodies) cannabinoid system? So, what exactly […]
thc for sleep apnea

THC for Sleep Apnea: How Cannabis Can Help

Are you often tired, even after a full night of supposed sleep? Do you spontaneously wake up at night for no reason? Or maybe you just snore so loudly your partner wakes you up to get you to stop? All of these are manifestations of a condition known as sleep apnea, estimated to afflict over […]
cannabis and creativity

Do Cannabis and Creativity Really Go Together?

Cannabis has a reputation of inspiring thought-provoking revelations and allowing one to think in ways they hadn’t before which is the reason cannabis and creativity have always gone together. I can certainly recall more than a few times where my friends and I have passed a joint around under a star-filled sky, spewing mediocre philosophy […]
best books on cannabis

7 Enlightening Books On Cannabis You Need To Read

If the furious pace of cannabis legalization has your head spinning, you’re not alone: Decades-old habits, assumptions, and—most importantly—laws have undergone huge changes in the figurative blink of an eye. The most obvious change this has wrought is—needless to say—access to clean, well-tended and safe cannabis. But in the long run, it’s likely that a […]
cannabis health

How Does Cannabis Affect Our Health?

Is cannabis a dangerous controlled substance, an intoxicant fit only for limited adult use, or a powerful, even potentially vital medication nearly perfectly suited to human physiology? The answer may be all three, depending on your perspective. If you’re a wee bit confused, join the club! Nearly everyone now alive in this country grew up […]
Cannabis Extraction

The Science Behind Cannabis Extraction

The phrase “this is not your parents’ weed” may have passed its sell-by date, but like so many truisms, it finds new applications on a seemingly endless basis. Its original use was to warn imbibers that, when we speak of the concentration of THC—cannabis’ psychoactive compound—today’s cannabis is exponentially stronger than the products commonly found […]